Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is an online service provider as defined in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

We take copyright violation very seriously and will respond to clear notice of alleged copyright infringement in accordance with the DMCA.

If you are the copyright owner, or someone authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner, of any content which appears on the Freevec website and you do not wish to authorize us to continue to use said content, or if you are requesting us to remove a specific file that you have authority over, you must notify us in writing in order for us to identify the allegedly infringing content so that we may investigate and take any necessary action including the removal or modification of said content

We will be unable to take any action if you do not provide us with the following required information, so please email us with the details requested below as accurately and completely as possible. You may make a written notice via email to our DMCA Agent as listed below.

Your written notice must include the following:

Written notice should be sent to our designated agent as follows:


Our response may include removing or disabling access to the material claimed to be infringing. We may also try to notify the alleged infringer, who may make a counter notification pursuant to the DMCA. If so, we may reinstate the material in question.